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The Ultimate List of Resources for Selling a House in Saskatoon and area

Looking for information on selling your property in Saskatoon? You’ve come to the right place!

About Selling A House in Saskatoon

Learn the most important aspects of selling a property in Saskatoon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to commonly asked questions related to selling your property.

Looking for information about selling a property in Saskatchewan? Scroll down for must-have resources!

Get “The Ultimate Home Seller’s Checklist” and Confidently Sell Your Home, With or Without a REALTOR®

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Whether you’re looking at selling a house in Saskatoon with or without a REALTOR®, it can be an overwhelming process. There are so many questions that come up like ‘do I even need a REALTOR® to sell my house?’, ‘what does it cost to sell a house?’, ‘what’s the difference between a conditional sale and a firm sale?’, ‘do I need a lawyer?’ and the list goes on and on (and on).

This list of resources is meant to give you everything you need to understand the process of selling a house in Saskatoon, and make it easy! Believe it or not, selling your home in Saskatoon doesn’t have to be a frustrating and overpriced experience. Utilizing these resources is the first step to setting yourself up for a better (and less expensive) selling experience.

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A happy family standing in front of their home with a for sale sign and underneath are the words "The Ultimate Guide to Selling Your Home in Saskatoon" for the page Selling a House

The Ultimate Guide to Selling Your Home in Saskatoon

Read this article

A digital touchscreen with a web of real estate icons and a man's arm reaching out to touch the icon of a house with the words "Everything You Need to Know about Real Estate Fees in Saskatchewan" for the page Selling a House

Everything You Need to Know about Real Estate Fees in Saskatchewan

Read this article

A dark table top covered with post-it notes shaped like houses. The house in the middle has a question mark and the surrounding houses have dollar signs. Underneath is the words "Understanding Home Evaluations. What's Your Home Worth?' for the page Selling a House

What’s Your Home Worth? Understanding Home Evaluations

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15 Easy Ways to Enhance Curb Appeal & Increase Value

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3 Better Questions to Ask When Hiring a Real Estate Agent

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Get “The Ultimate Home Seller’s Checklist” and Confidently Sell Your Home, With or Without a REALTOR®

* indicates required

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about Selling with a REALTOR®

Have questions about selling your house with a REALTOR®. Here are the answers to some commonly asked questions.

How much does it cost to sell with a REALTOR®?

The cost to sell your house using a real estate agent changes depending on who you list your property with. Commission rates are not set in Saskatchewan and are negotiated differently depending on which brokerage you choose.
With 2% Realty Platinum the cost to sell your house is 2%.
Other rates commonly seen throughout Saskatchewan are the 7/3% split and the 6/4/2% split.

Who Pays the REALTOR®?

Typically in Saskatchewan, it is the seller who pays both the selling agent and the listing agent. Buyers don’t usually pay for using a real estate agent.

What are the benefits of using a REALTOR® to sell my house?

There are many reasons why people choose to use a real estate agent to sell their house rather than doing it on their own. A few of the biggest advantages of using a REALTOR® in Saskatoon include their ability to negotiate on your behalf, their familiarity with the process and paperwork involved in selling, as well as their access to certain aspects of

Will Other Agents Show My Property if I Sell with a Discount Brokerage

The short answer to this question is, yes! Over 98% of transactions done with 2% Realty in Saskatoon have been completed with cooperating brokerages.
Not showing a property is called steering and you can check out this blog post with all the details.

Frequently Asked Questions about Moving Out

When your house has sold and moving day is approaching you may find that you have some questions as you’re getting ready to leave. These are the questions we frequently get asked about moving out.

What items can I leave behind?

Within reason, construction items such as replacement flooring or a can of paint that matches the house can be left.
All personal items should be removed prior to the possession date on your contract. Other items such as furniture, dishes, tools, etc. should all be removed from the property.

I have some items (dishes, furniture, tools, etc.) that are perfectly good that I no longer need. Should I leave them for the next owner?

No! As tempting as it can be to leave behind helpful items for the next owner, not everyone has the same idea of ‘helpful’. To keep your sale running smoothly, it is best to ensure all items have been removed from the property prior to possession.
If the items are in good working order, taking them to a second-hand store is the best way to ensure they are given to a good home.

One of my appliances stopped working and the new owners are moving in soon. What do I do?

When you sell your property, it needs to be handed over in the same condition it was when the buyer viewed it. If something has since stopped working, it needs to be repaired or replaced prior to possession.

When do I have to be out of my house?

The best plan is to be completely out of your house the day (or two) before possession day. Sometimes moving can go sideways (like that time we were certain everything would fit in the truck but it didn’t 😉 ) and you need more time than you thought.

Delays turning over the property can be very costly and it’s critical that you do everything you possibly can to avoid them. Leaving yourself plenty of time is the best way to ensure all goes well on possession day.

When do I get paid from the sale of my property?

The proceeds of your sale come from the lawyer, typically 2-3 days after possession day. Any inquiries regarding funds are best directed to your lawyer.